Calling Dog Agility Bloggers!

02 Jan 2012Steve Schwarz

Last year I organized a Dog Agility Blog Action Day on the subject of volunteering and recently I’ve had some bloggers contact me about having another one. Last year I kept all the email contacts in various spreadsheets and ended up sending many individual emails trying to set the date and contacting potential bloggers.

This time I’d like there to be more discussion about the next topic and action day date. So I’ve set up a Yahoo group Dog Agility Blog Action Day that we’ll use to organize the next Action Day. So if you are a Dog Agility blogger please join the email list!

I will be posting my thoughts on the next Action Day to the email list in the next few days once more bloggers have had a chance to sign up. I really want to keep this list very low volume and only focused on organizing the next topic and date. We’ll also have to decide how frequently we will have these Action Days.

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