Challenging Dana Pike Advanced/Masters Sequences

06 May 2022Steve Schwarz

Dana Pike set up some really challenging sequences in her classes last night and she kindly let me share them. There is a masters level sequence and an advanced level sequence for the same equipment setup. Both use all the contact obstacles. You'll work on some threadle slices, threadle wraps, all the usual jump wraps, and moving in and out of speed.

These obstacle layouts are from my memory, so the spacing isn’t exactly how Dana had them set up. Always check equipment distances/locations for safety! You can always spread out the obstacles if you have more space: just some more running on your part!

80' x 100' Setup in Feet
80' x 100' Setup in Feet
24m x 30m Setup in Meters
24m x 30m Setup in Meters

If you use my AC Master App to setup courses to fit in your yard/building click here to download a setup image without any numbers/lines.

Dana told me the two tunnel/jump layout at the bottom was taken from a Polona Bonac practice course (but Dana designed the sequences through the obstacles).

Advanced Sequence

Advanced Sequence
Advanced Sequence

Some handling notes:

  • Fast line for running A Frame into the weave entry.
  • Front/Blind Cross after teeter or handle as Threadle tunnel bypass.
  • Which side of jump 6? Push to back slice or push to back wrap? Your choice impacts the dog’s path to jump 8.
  • Which way will you turn your dog at 8? The A Frame is an inviting off course.
  • It’s a long way from 9 to 10! But, most dogs found the tunnel entrance without a problem.
  • Don’t step in on your dog’s path from 11-12 or they will take the wrong side of tunnel 12!
  • You can wait at the take off of 13 and pull your dog over 13-14.
  • Connect with your dog coming out of 15 to tighten the turn.
  • 17-18 is challenging for running dog walk teams.

Masters Sequence

Masters Sequence
Masters Sequence

Some handling notes:

  • Same opening as the Advanced sequence.
  • Layering jump 4 while your dog is in the weaves gave a tight turn 4-5.
  • Sending your dog to the right hand back side of jump 6 and slicing jump 6 was a nice line if the turn was tight at 4.
  • Then send dog into left side of tunnel 7.
  • Backside slice at jump 8 gave the best line to jumps 9/10 (depending on jump 1/9/12 is positioned).
  • Then it’s into two challenging threadles, where 13-14 requires some collection cues on the approach to 13 to help set up the threadle.
  • Most teams had to handle 15-16 as a threadle wrap with the dog on the handler’s right.
  • Then keeping dog on handler’s right to 17.

I hope you’ll set these up and conquer the challenges!

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