Dana Pike - Awesome International Sequence - With Video
22 Aug 2011
Updated 30-Aug-2011: Added video showing four handling options
If you want to work on some international handling challenges Dana Pike designed this little beauty as part of her class course last week.
Dana had played around with it using a number of different handling options and I really liked her handling ideas. Here’s how I handled it based on her thoughts:
- Leave dog in the weaves and Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross on the landing side of 2 to turn the dog to 3.
- Then get a head check and push to the back side of 4 while Shoulder Pulling Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn around the jump upright. This puts the handler on the take off side of 4 and the dog on the handler's right on the landing side of 4.
- Hustle ahead and pick up the dog on the handler's right side coming over jump 5 (i.e. "Serp"/"Scoop" jump 5)
- Approaching the jump 6 upright decelerate and Shoulder Pull to the left. Raise left arm to indicate a Jump Wrap Jump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap/Wrap to the dog's left. As the dog takes the jump turning to their left the handler moves forward; completing the Ketschker.
- Dog on handler's right and push to the Back Side Handling the Quad Back Side - Patrick Bucher Course/VideoThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesBack Side/Back Side JumpBack Side of Jump Handling Combinations - Video of jump 7.
- Drive forward to Front Cross Jump Wrap 8.
- I then pushed to the back side of the jump to 9 (staying on the landing side) and slid across the face of the jump so Meeker was on my left arm as he landed.
- Then I pushed to the back side of the jump to 10 and Front Crossed across the face of the landing side so Meeker was on my right arm as I turned to the tunnel.
It was exhilarating to work such a handling-intensive sequence at speed and have it work too! If you are short on space you need only set up starting at jump 3. I might set it up in the yard again to try a couple other options…
I did set it up and shot some video as the sun was going down. First using the handling described above and then three other ways I made up. Here you go:
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