Dearlove Nested Class Course - Sep 18 & Sep 25 2005

18 Sep 2005Steve Schwarz

This course works Beginners on running with their dogs on both sides, 180 degree turns, and static crosses out of the tunnel.

Intermediate teams work a flowing course with 180s, opportunities for layering, jump wraps, and a Pin Wheel for good measure. Advanced teams get a somewhat less flowing course, again with jump wraps, Pull Throughs, layering, and a Pin Wheel.

Course Setup

Beginner Class

Beginner Course Sequence 1

Choose one or both sequences depending on the teams’ abilities. These are basic handling sequences that should be worked from both sides of the handler.

For the top sequence:

  • Have handlers start with the dog on their right and pick up the dog on their right out of the tunnel
  • Have handlers run the sequence backward with the dog on their left through out
  • With the dog on the handler's right have the handler perform a Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross at the tunnel exit and pick up the dog on the handler's left coming out of the tunnel
  • Repeat backwards with the dog starting on the handler's left and ending on the handler's right

For the bottom white numbered sequence:

  • Have handlers start with the dog on their right and make good clean turns approaching each jump
  • Repeat backwards (starting at the table) with the dog on the handler's left

For the bottom black numbered sequence:

  • The dog is on the handler's right throughout. Get a good turn from jump 1 to jump 2; the handler shouldn't turn too fast or too slow to get the dog to approach jump 2. If necessary reduce the jump angles to no more than 180 degrees.
  • Repeat starting at jump 2 with the dog on the handler's left through out and ending on the table

Intermediate Class

Intermediate Course Sequence

The usual drill: have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options:

  • Which side of jump 2 will you be on?
  • Any benefit to a Lateral Lead Out or Lead Out Pivot and where should you be positioned.
  • Any chance to be in position for a Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross from jump 4 to the tunnel?
  • Layer jump 9/12 when going from jump 7 to jump 8?
  • What side of jump 9/12 do you want to be on from jumps 8-9-10? Front Crossing/Rear Crossing or a combination work better for your team?
  • I'm thinking Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn for jumps 10-11-12

Advanced Class

Advanced Course Sequence

The 7-11 sequence of this course are based on a Dana Pike practice course from last week. As usual, have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options:

  • Post Turn for 1-2 or Lateral Lead Out between jumps 1 and 2? Or Front Cross on the landing side of jump 2? Is the off course to jump 12 an issue?
  • Which way to turn the dog on the ugly wrap around jump 5? (I know it's ugly!)
  • Can you "pull" on the dog's line to avoid the off course jump 12 on the way to jump 7? Don't forget to use deceleration to cue the turn to jump 8. What about pickup up your dog on your left out of the tunnel and using a Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross before jump 10?
  • Then it is a game of sides to determine which side to handle 8-9-10-11
  • Don't cue a long stride going over jump 12 to get a tight turn to jump 13.

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