Dearlove Nested Class Course - Oct 3 & Oct 10 2005
02 Oct 2005
This course works Beginners on running with their dogs on both sides, 180 degree turns, and static crosses out of the tunnel. Intermediate teams work a twisting course with Pin Wheels and 270s Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence. Advanced teams get a somewhat less flowing course, with an additional jump wrap, and a little more running.

Beginner Class

Work this sequence forwards and backwards so the handler works first the static Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross out of the tunnel. Then when the sequence is run backwards the handler can work a Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross on the landing side of the jump. Both directions have the handler working with the dog on both sides of the handler.
Intermediate Class

The usual drill: have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options:
- Which side of jump 3 will you be on?
- Any benefit to a Lateral Lead Out or Lead Out Pivot and where should you be positioned.
- Front/Rear Cross or Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn from 3-4?
- Where are you going to be when the dog comes out of the tunnel?
- In the 270 to 270 sequence (8-9 and 9-10) are you going to handle each 270 the same way? Does the approach to jump 11 effect your decision?
Advanced Class

The 3-7 section of this sequence is based on a Dana Pike seminar course from this past weekend. As usual, have the handlers walk the course and run it once without a specified handling. Many of the same options from the Intermediate sequence also apply to this sequence. Discuss the following handling options:
- Which side of jump 3 will you be on?
- Any benefit to a Lateral Lead Out or Lead Out Pivot and where should you be positioned.
- Front/Rear Cross or Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn from 3-4?
- Which way to turn your dog over jump 6?
- Where are you going to be when the dog comes out of the tunnel?
- In the 270 to 270 sequence (11-12 and 12-13) are you going to handle each 270 the same way? Does the approach to jump 14 effect your decision?
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