Dearlove Nested Class Course - June 22 and 29 2006
20 Jun 2006
There are two Intermediate team sequences. The first opens with an awkward entry to a Pin Wheel into a
an Over Come Jump Wrap Jump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap/Wrap. Then a 270 Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence to the table. The sequence ends with a Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence out of the tunnel. The second sequence opens with a Serpentine to the tunnel. Then two jumping sequences sandwich the table containing a 270 ending with an almost straight line jump sequence with off course opportunities.
The first Advanced team course is a runners course which should have good flow and challenging closing sequence. The second course opens with a Serpentine for which racing down one side of the jumps may not be helpful. Then it is just a matter of choosing sides and critical locations when running the rest of the jumps.
Course Setup With Obstacle Coordinates
Intermediate Class
The usual drill: have the handlers walk the course and run it once without any specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options for the first sequence:
- If the start line is the bottom of the course does a Lead Out give you any advantage? If so where would you be? Where would you set up your dog?
- How are you going to handle the Pin Wheel? Stay in the pocket and push over jump 4 with the dog on your right? How will you signal your dog to wrap jump 4?
- Jumps 4-5-6 I'd be tempted to Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn sending over jump 4 and continue rotating through jump 5. You'll need to support your dog through the almost 270 Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence from 5 to 6.
- Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross over jump 6 on the way to jump 7 or Post Turn on the take off side of jump 6?
- Take a look at the dog's line coming out of the tunnel. What do they see? What side are you going to be on? Can you handle this as a Serpentine with the dog on your left the whole way?
For the right hand sequence I’d lean toward: 1-2-3 with the dog on my left. Rear Cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross the tunnel so I could turn off to the landing side of jump 5. Front Cross over jump 5 (i.e. on the landing side while the dog is still on the take off side). Post Turn to the table. Slight lead out from the table. Handle the elongated Box Box/Hobday Box/Jump Box/Jump SquareJump Box DrillsDouble Box SequencesDo It Yourself Box Jump SequencesJump Box Drill GeneratorDouble Box Sequence GeneratorNew Jump Box Sequence GeneratorStar Box Sequence GeneratorStar Box SequencesThe Jump Box in Course Design from the center. Front Cross over jump 12 (or Post Turn and Rear Cross) to put the dog on my left going to jump 13 and just run straight out.
Advanced Class
Walk it, run it, discuss it, and run it again!
Two sequences for the same setup. The left hand sequence is discussed below:
- Any benefit to a Lateral Lead Out or Lead Out Pivot? If so, where should you be positioned?
- How are you going to handle the 270 from 3-4? Front Cross over the jump or Post Turn and Rear Cross?
- With the long run after the tunnel getting some distance from the dog would be advantageous. Ideally I'd like to be between jump 7 and 8 as the dog exits the tunnel. You should be able to "pull" on the dog's line handling with the dog on the left through 7-8-9.
- Jumps 9 to 10 to the table can be handled from either side. Does the side you choose affect your dog's draw to the off course jump 4-7?
- The jump sequence 12-13-14 is tricky due to off course jump 1. I'd be tempted to lead out toward jump 12 and call the dog to my left hand and turn toward jump 12. Then move forward as little as possible to Push the dog over jump 13; trying to not pass the line connecting jump 12 and 14. Then Pull the dog back toward me over jump 14.
The right hand sequence opens with a Serpentine that could be handled with a Lateral Lead Out and the dog on the right with a Post Turn over jump 3. Then Rear Crossing on the take off side of jump 4. Alternately starting with the dog on the handler’s left over 1-2 and Rear Crossing 3 on the take off side and Rear Crossing jump 4. Then just stay in the pocket Post Turning through to the table. Jumps 9-10 can be handled with a Lead Out to the landing side of jump 9 or by Post Turning and Rear Crossing on the take off of jump 10. Then it is just Post Turning through to the ending.
Please add your comments and handling approach for this course below!
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