Dearlove Nested Class Course - Aug 17 and 24 2006

15 Aug 2006Steve Schwarz

This week’s sequences all contain 270s Mr Peabody in UKC Bloodlines MagazineHandling 270 Degree Jump SequencesBack Side Entry to 270/Training Opportunity - Video270 Degree Jump Sequence within Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence. You have Anne Riba to “thank” for planting this idea in my head. I’ve been training Milo with Anne again and we had some trouble using Serpentine Handling for this type of sequence on one of her practice courses. So, everyone gets to benefit from my difficulties… I’ve also put in some Pin Wheels for added interest.

There are two Intermediate team sequences. The first opens with a jump-tunnel-jump sequence to the table. From the table it is a 270 and onto a third jump that gives the handler an opportunity to treat the three obstacles like a Serpentine. Then it is another jump and back into the tunnel. From the tunnel there is a Layering opportunity through the closing set of jumps.

The second Intermediate sequence opens with a jump to the tunnel and then the dog is taken through a three jump Pin Wheel and back into the tunnel. Out of the tunnel are a 270 and a third jump to complete the Serpentine. Then the handler just has to send the dog over two more jumps and onto the table. From the table it is just a jump to the final tunnel.

The first Advanced team course begins with a curving jump and tunnel sequence to the table. From the table it is a 270 to a jump and into the tunnel. Out of the tunnel are a 270 and a third jump to complete the Serpentine. The third jump in the Serpentine is also the first jump of a Pin Wheel (so you might say this sequence was really a 270 to a Pin Wheel). From the Pin Wheel the dog finishes with the tunnel.

The second Advanced sequence opens with a jump to the tunnel and then the dog is taken through a three jump Pin Wheel and back into the tunnel. The 270-Serpentine to the Pin Wheel shows up again but this time the dog goes to the table instead of the tunnel (letting the handler choose your Jump Wrap Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap direction of the final jump). Another 270-Serpentine follows the table (this time in the opposite direction). The sequence ends with a two jump run.

These should be some pretty challenging sequences. The difficulty can be changed by varying the rotation of the jumps in the 270s and by changing the spacing to the single jump connecting the two 270s. The spacing, shown in the setup diagram below, should make the sequences that go from the bottom to the top easier than the reverse.

Course Setup With Obstacle Coordinates

Course Setup With Obstacle Coordinates

Intermediate Class

Intermediate Course Sequence 1Intermediate Course Sequence 4

The usual drill: have the handlers walk the course and run it once without any specified handling. Then discuss the following handling options for the left hand sequence:

  • As usual, does a Lead Out give you any advantage? If so where would you be? Where would you set up your dog?
  • What side of jump 3 do you want to be on? What if you had to handle it on your right? When would you need to be past the jump?
  • The 270-Serpentine is the "hard part" of this course, take a look at my 270 Handling article and see which handling method for the 270 would best suit your team. What side of jump 6 will you be on and why?
  • Coming out of the tunnel, how will you keep your dog away from the off course jump 5? Does this affect your getting to the last two jumps?

Advanced Class

Advanced Course Sequence 1Advanced Course Sequence 2

Walk it, run it, discuss it, and run it again! The left hand sequence is discussed below:

  • As usual, does a Lead Out give you any advantage? If so where would you be? Where would you set up your dog?
  • Front or Rear Cross between 2 and 3? Does it matter?
  • Is the off course to 6 going to be an issue on the way to the table?
  • When handling the 270 from 6 to 7 are you thinking Post Turn Learning the Post TurnPost Turn/Shoulder Pull/Pivot Turn "in the pocket" or Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Crossat label 7 on the diagram?
  • See if you can use Serpentine Handling for the 10-11-12 sequence. What other options do you have?
  • If you can get ahead of your dog at 12 the Pin Wheel into the tunnel should be straight forward.

Please add your comments and handling approach(es) for these courses below!

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