Sheri Boone MC Jumpers Competition Course - Video

18 Dec 2013Steve Schwarz

Last week I wrote about running judge Sheri Boone’s really fun and challenging USDAA Masters Challenge Jumpers course without a walk through. Sheri kindly let me share her course and I thought I’d make a video chalk talk about how I handled it.

Here’s her course:

Sheri Boone Masters Challenge Jumpers Course

Before you see my approach, how would you handle it?

Here’s my video discussion (with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each) :

I hope you enjoyed this chalk talk, this course is one to setup and run again - thanks Sheri for letting me share it!

2013-12-18 updates - videos!

Here’s Angie and her blazing young Golden Firefly with their near perfect run. Thanks Angie!

Here’s Julia with her cool baby dog Magnum taking a crack at this course. Thanks Julia!

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