Backyard Dogs 2019 Jan Course Setups

24 Dec 2018Steve Schwarz

There wasn’t room in the Jan 2019 Clean Run for the 50 ft x 50 ft (15 m x 15 m) layout of my Backyard Dogs article using a full set of weave poles. So here are the equipment setup diagrams in English and Metric units:

Here is the equipment layout in a 40 ft x 50 ft space:

Couse Setup Diagram 40 ft x 50 ft

Here is the equipment layout in a 12 m x 15 m space:

Couse Setup Diagram 12 m x 15 m

If you have more room you can fit in a full set of weave poles and use a 20 ft (6 m) tunnel:

Couse Setup Diagram 50 ft x 50 ft

Here is the equipment layout in a 15 m x 15 m space:

Couse Setup Diagram 15 m x 15 m
I'll update this article with all the sequences in about four months; until then you can I've published the full article at Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences Complete 2019 Jan or see it online with your Clean Run subscription.

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