Four Jumps, Two Tunnels, Eight Sequences to Train All the Things - Video

18 Sep 2022Steve Schwarz

A recent course inspired me to setup a long skinny set of jumps and tunnels so I could practice Serpentines Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence, Threadles Mary Ellen Barry on Threadle HandlingThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesTraditional Threadle HandlingSingle Sided Threadle HandlingThreadle Sequence, Back Sides Handling the Quad Back Side - Patrick Bucher Course/VideoThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesBack Side/Back Side JumpBack Side of Jump Handling Combinations - Video, Jump Wraps Jump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap/Wrap, and bypassing obstacles. I came up with eight sequences for this obstacle setup.


Here are the equipment setups in feet (40’ x 80’) and meters (12m x 24m):

Setup in Feet
Setup in Feet
Setup in Meters
Setup in Meters

As always, re-arrange obstacles to fit your space, your skills, and for your safety.

Handling Tips

The sequences aren’t in any particular order and each of them has some good challenges, I’ve put notes before each sequence. Here are some general things to consider:

The Sequences

In Sequence 1, crossing on the landing side of 4 in the opening turned out to be trickier than I expected. If I didn’t support the back side and get my cross done quickly Snap! would take the jump in a very flat line.

Sequence #1
Sequence #1

Jumps 8-9 to the far side of the tunnel at 11 needs you to cue the back side wrap at 9, send to the tunnel and get moving to the jump wrap at 13. Push to back side to blind cross at 13?

Sequence #2
Sequence #2

Sequence 3 is all about the jump wraps!

Sequence #3
Sequence #3

In Sequence 4, I practiced moving from 2-3 with my dog on my right and my left to keep him with me and out of the off course tunnel. Otherwise, it’s a nice Serpentine practice sequence.

Sequence #4
Sequence #4

Back sides and threadles in Sequence 5

Sequence #5
Sequence #5

I have some video of 11 year old Flyer and I running sequence 6. Dog on right 9-12 into a Threadle wrap at 12 was a fun solution.

Sequence #6
Sequence #6 Three threadles and a back side if you handle it on a line between the jumps and the tunnels.
Sequence #7
Sequence #7

A fun mix of threadle, serp, and back sides in the final sequence:

Sequence #8
Sequence #8

I hope you enjoy running these sequences!

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