Star Box Sequences

29 Oct 2010Steve Schwarz

While working on my Jump Box Generator for it occurred to me that a variation on the Jump Box layout would make it possible to also train 3 and 4 jump Pin Wheels. I’m sure others have used this jump layout before, but I haven’t heard a name for it. So I’m calling it a “Star Box”:

Star Box Jump Layout

The nice thing about this layout is the skills it lets you work on. I’ve created diagrams showing some examples of these skills:

Star Box - Moving Straight and 90 Degree Turns

Star Box - 270 Degree Turns

Star Box - Jump Wraps

Star Box - Threadles

Star Box - Pushing to the Back of a Jump

Star Box - Moving Past a Jump

Star Box - Three and Four Jump Pin Wheels

So now you can set up this layout and work these skills to improve your handling. You might also be interested in Box Sequences and Double Box Sequences. Who knows, someday soon you might just see a Star Box Generator on too… I’ve released a Star Box Sequence Generator on to make interesting training sequences automatically.

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