Full Size and Small Space Courses Based on Cynosport Courses
12 Oct 2012
Updated 2012-Oct-13 Added video!
My students always kid me about the courses I design when I come back from a seminar or an important trial. This week I created a course that took interesting elements from the USDAA Cynosport Team Jumpers and Steeplechase Semi Finals courses and put them into my class course at For Your K-9. There are a lot of skills you can work on in this sequence.
Here’s the full size course we ran with a couple sequence options:
Here’s a small space version of the interesting stuff also with a few options:
Here are a few handling notes/challenges for the small space white circle course:
- There are (at least) four ways to handle the Jump Wrap Jump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap/Wrap at jump 2 - can you be successful with all four?
- Turn dog right and keep dog on handler's right to jump 3.
- Turn dog right and keep dog on handler's left to jump 3 (Ketschker).
- Turn dog left and keep dog on handler's left to jump 3.
- Turn dog left and keep dog on handler's right to jump 3 (Ketschker).
- Front Cross Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross over jump 5 (i.e. front cross on landing while dog is on take off side) to have dog on left to 6.
- Keep dog on left or Front/Blind Cross to have dog on right to 7. Can you handle it either way? Be sure to shown motion/drive to the jump to avoid getting an off course!
- Can you handle the next section if you wrap your dog either direction over jump 7?
- Can you handle the 8-9-10 Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence from both sides?
- Drive! to jump 11 to avoid off courses.
Enjoy! Anyone have time to shoot a video?
Lot’s of bloopers in this video:
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