I Almost Felt Bad About This Course!
06 Feb 2014
I setup this course for my Intermediate and Masters students this week and almost felt bad about working all the moving past tunnels; almost. It had a good selection of handling choices, and let handlers work on using their motion and cues supporting handler focus to move past multiple tunnel openings.
If you only have a 30’ x 40’ area you can set up the two tunnels and three jumps and work sequence 14-20 too.
Here are some handling ideas:
- Wrap Jump Wrap Handling TipsJump Wrap Handling - With VideoJump Wrap/Wrap jump 2 and handle 2-5 with dog on right.
- Front Crossing Learning the Front Cross - VideoFront Cross the approach of the weaves worked nicely - so dog on left through 7.
- Easiest to wrap the dog to their left at 9. I had my students use a Ketschker (Jump wrap to blind cross) at 9 so they could work taking their dog to 10 on their right side (you should be able to do it!)
- Dog on left 11-13
- Rear cross Learning the Rear CrossRear Cross on flat to tunnel #14.
- Scoop, Blind Cross, or Rear Cross exit of tunnel to 15 depending on your speed relative to your dog.
- Dog on left 16-17.
- Jump wrap or Ketschker 18 - again practice moving your dog past the tunnel opening.
- Rear Cross tunnel exit set the dog up nicely for the closing Serpentine Serpentine Handling TechniquesSerpentine Sequence.
I hope you try it - the dog is moving fast throughout the sequence so you have to be on the ball!
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