Six Advanced to Masters Challenge 40x40 Small Space Courses

11 Aug 2017Steve Schwarz

I was inspired by a course from judge Gabi Steppan and I took part of her layout, added a jump, and came up with six training sequences that fit in a 40x40 foot (12mx12m) space.

Here are the obstacle locations in English/Metric units. Please tweak the jump locations to fit your space, to increase/decrease the challenges, and to be safe in your space.

Here are the sequences in no particular order!

Sequence #1

5 jump training sequence #1
5 jump training sequence #25 jump training sequence #35 jump training sequence #45 jump training sequence #55 jump training sequence #6

I hope you set these up and give them a whirl! I’m going to give some of them a try with Snap

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