Free Video FCI World Champs Practice Day

14 Sep 2009Steve Schwarz

Eric at AgilityVision and CleanRun are providing a free video stream of the 2009 FCI Agility World Championships practice day - in Dornbirn Austria on Thursday Sept 17th.

This is the link to AgilityVision's live stream

Here’s the schedule/timezone information Monica Percival kindly provided:

Austria is 6 hours ahead of New York and 9 hours ahead of Los Angeles. Meaning 9am start in midnight in LA and 3am in NY. If the event finishes at 5pm that is 11am in NY and 8am in LA. Here is the practice schedule: Austria 8:00am Belgium 8:25am Brazil 8:44am Canada 9:00am COL 9:20am CRO 9:32am Czech 9:42am Denmark 10:01am Spain 10:18am Estonia 10:37am Finland 10:53am France 11:08am Great Britain 11:31am Germany 11:47am Hungary 12:06pm Italy 12:25pm Japan 12:49pm Luxembourg 1:03pm Netherlands 1:21pm Norway 1:35pm Poland 1:54pm South Amer 2:10pm RSA 2:23pm Russia 2:42pm Slovikia 3:09pm Switzerland 3:28pm SVK 3:54pm Sweden 4:16pm USA 4:35pm

Looks like I can catch some teams and the US first thing in the morning at work :^)

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