Flyer Trialing Firsts - Video

23 Sep 2013Steve Schwarz

This month marked two firsts for Flyer: his first CPE trial and his first Starters USDAA trial. There were a lot of good moments and plenty of training issues identified. I did a little analysis on each video and thought I’d share our successes and challenges with you.

The CPE trial was at For Your K-9 which is familiar ground (I always start our dogs trialing at a place where we have practiced) and even though it was quite a busy environment with many distractions Flyer stayed focused and we looked like a lot like a (young) team. Thanks Jeff for videotaping:

This past weekend I was able to attend one morning at the Fly Right Over USDAA trial and ran Flyer in Starters Gamblers and Standard. This was his first time competing outdoors and it was a new location for him too. The location didn’t seem to affect him even with the sound of distant gunfire from a shooting range. Thanks to Shane for video taping:

So plenty to work on but not bad debuts at all!

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