Team Small Dog Blog: Small Fast Kick Yer Ass

15 Mar 2008Steve Schwarz

I just discovered Laura Hartwick’s blog: Team Small Dog and all I can say is wow! Unlike other dog agility blogs that are mostly about courses and techniques and can be dry (admittedly like mine can be) or are all about how a team did on a given weekend, Laura’s is wide ranging and she calls it like she sees it. As she puts it, her blog is “a Dog Agility blog that veers towards bitchy discussion about Santa Cruz County real estate, and inappropriate, Catty chat about everything else that gets up this Small Dog team captain’s craw”.

Speaking as someone whose writing tends to the pedantic, I really enjoy her stream of consciousness writing style that must be like talking with her. She also has a lot of photos with really great captions.

If you want an article to give you a flavor of Laura’s blog I recommend her humorous article on target training the weaves: Cookin’ with the Team-A weave pole cooking primer.

I’ve already spent a lot of time reading her older posts and I’m completely hooked. There are more and more folks taking themselves and agility pretty seriously and it is nice to see Laura refuses to do so. So another great blog for my blogroll and I hope for yours.

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