Take Some Time For Yourself; No Matter How Little
20 Mar 2024
Ugh, it’s been a tough week or so in life, work, health, and, to lesser degree, in dog training. I say that as a backdrop to what I really want to say (sound familiar coming from me? 😉): take some time for yourself, no matter how little, and you’ll feel better for it!!
Among my “woes” my toe tendon pain has flared up again and I haven’t been doing much exercising and I was just too “meh” to do it. But tonight, instead of “feeling better” by eating junk food, I put on a KarmaFitness stretching session. Nothing too energetic, working through whole body stretching at a gentle pace. It wasn’t the workout I wanted to do, but it was the workout I could do. And I feel better for it.
By doing that session I took a step toward my desired self image that “it is like me to eat a good dinner and exercise regularly”. And also a step away from the self image I don’t want: “it is like me to eat junk and sit on the couch”.
I hope you can make a little time to move yourself toward where you want to be also.
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