UKI Midwest Cup 2024 - Snap! Injured
15 Jun 2024
Well not the UKI Midwest Cup I was hoping for! This was going to be Snap! and my “comeback” from his injury that kept us from going to the AKC Team Tryouts. I was excited to run big fast courses and show what we could do. We’ve done pretty well at the Cup over the years so I was hopeful.
First course was a nice Roseanne Weissemann Masters Agility course. We were joking it was “all about the backside slice” 🤣 It turned out that was our downfall. But, E’ing a course wasn’t the real problem…

The video play by play:
- Snap! was amped up! I was going to insist he hold all his contacts, because I have a bad habit of letting him self release.
- He slide almost the length of the teeter in his 4on he was going so fast…
- He beat me to the backside to blind I had planned at 4 and I was in his way and he dropped the bar.
- He didn’t want to 2o2o on either his DW or AF…
- Felt great about the back side wrap before the AF!
- Perfect weaves as I faded to support another back side to blind… and he never took the jump - I should have been faster to turn the blind. He read the blind after not jumping and actually stepped on the rear of my foot; making me think he’d jumped it.
So we E’d but I didn’t know that it had happened until a friend broke the bad news.
But, the real bad news happened an hour later when I took him out of his crate and he wasn’t full weight bearing right rear. I walked him around and he smoothed out w/in a minute but I couldn’t risk running him. So we scratched for the rest of the cup. Seems like we can’t get a break lately. Luckily there was a cancellation and we will see Dr. Lisa Woodside at Ready to Go Veterinary Rehabilitation on Monday.
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