Snap! Injury Update

17 Jun 2024Steve Schwarz

Thanks everyone for your concern about Snap!‘s injury. Here’s the scoop. I took him to see Dr. Woodside at Ready to Go Veterinary Rehabilitation today. She had watched the video from his one run at the UKI Midwest Cup many, many times and it appears he actually chose not to take the back side after the weaves. Then as he turned around me it looks like his back end collapsed as he strode forward and into the tunnel.

His back was very sore and spasming. Which could account for dropped bar and the bypassed jump. Still amazing how fast/hard he was running even though he must have either been in pain or something happened during the earlier part of the run. (He had been checked before we left for the trial).

She also mentioned that continuing to run him might have had serious consequences. So glad I’ve (mostly) learned to put my ego aside when it comes to trialing.

She went over him thoroughly, adjusted his back/hips, and lasered them. He was much more comfortable after she worked on him.

So the plan is to rest him, anti-inflammatories, some exercises, and a re-check next week.

Snap! resting behind my desk chair as I type
Snap! resting behind my desk chair as I type

I am so, so fortunate to have such a dedicated and skilled doctor treat my boys.

Original FB Post

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