Clean Run Search, Licensing, Advertising, and Tweaks

07 Feb 2007Steve Schwarz

I’ve been doing some housekeeping on the site after completing my “mini-series” on Threadles Mary Ellen Barry on Threadle HandlingThe Connection Between Threadles and Back SidesTraditional Threadle HandlingSingle Sided Threadle HandlingThreadle Sequence. So here are the web site updates:

  • Updated the databases for my Clean Run Searchweb page to contain all descriptions through Feb 2007 and all index information through Dec 2006
  • I clarified my thoughts on using my articles and courses for personal, non-profit, and for-profit use on my new License page. I updated the sidebar and the footers on each page with links too.
  • After my discussion about changing web hosts I decided to add Google Ads to my site. I'd like to thank those of you who clicked on ads that interested you, I've earned about $7 so far. Once Clean Run converts to their new web site and reopens their affiliate program I'll convert my Clean Run Search page to use my affiliate id in case anyone wants to buy a magazine back issue.
  • Comments for articles now only show a link when the person commenting supplies a website or an email address. Before it was confusing because a link would always be displayed and when no email or website address was supplied the link would just take you link back to the current page. For email links I now put a link to the web page in the subject line of the email.
  • Found my RSS feed wasn't supplying the image link correctly so I fixed that too.
  • Updated my Atom feed to the 1.0 specification.

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