Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

23 Dec 2008Steve Schwarz

Nancy put together this holiday card with three separate photos from the sunny summer; since our attempts at taking a photo with all three of them together outside in the snow were thwarted. I think she did a nice job and my Mom has sent out the pictures of her granddogs to all her friends.

Meeker and Petey on a Christmas card

It might appear pretty quiet here at AgilityNerd, but there is a lot going on! Like most of the middle of the US it has been brutally cold (it was -3F/-19C the other day) and now even more snow, looking like around 8 inches on the ground in the past week with more coming overnight. Definitely a white Christmas.

I’m doing a complete overhaul of the Googility website with a lot of new features and hope to have it ready within a week.

I spent a day helping my friends at For Your Canine with some of their massive repainting of their entire facility. They are getting new 1/2 inch Comfort King matting and taking the opportunity to move everything and repaint. I helped roll up some of the old matting, haul stuff out of the way, and started the repainting of all the contacts. Many wonderful volunteers came by over the past few days in the terribly cold weather and helped with a lot of the work. It is going to be an even nicer facility once everything is put back in place.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a safe and happy new year.

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