Go Jimmy Go!
19 Jul 2009
Nancy bestowed the nickname “Jimmy” on Meeker shortly after I adopted him one weekend when I left him in her care. A month or so ago, we were eating in a local Thai restaurant when a guy walked in wearing a T shirt emblazoned with “Go Jimmy Go” on it. Instantly, I knew I had to get one of those T shirts.
So Google to the rescue, and I found out that Go Jimmy Go is a Hawaiian Ska Band and you can see and hear them on their YouTube Channel. So I ordered up a snappy Go Jimmy Go shirt and it arrived last week. Here is a picture of Meeker (err Jimmy) and me modeling it:
So when we get back to trialing you’ll see me sporting it (at least at USDAA trials) and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of Go Jimmy Go’s music accompanied the video :^)
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