17 Posts Tagged With "Spark"

  • Dana Pike Courses Inspired by UKI US Open 2024 Judge Ivan Amez - Video

    12 Jul 2024

    Dana Pike modified a course by one of this year's US Open judges Ivan Amez for class this week. There are two sequences for the same setup. They were a blast to run!


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  • Spark's First A-Frame Session

    24 Jun 2024

    I'm teaching Spark to do the A-Frame using Justine Davenport's method. Here's his first session.


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  • Training on a Floppy Teeter - Video

    09 Jun 2024

    Training on such a floppy teeter helps dogs get used to the worst situation they'll ever encounter. But it can hurt sensitive dog’s confidence!


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  • Getting started on teeter training with Spark

    14 May 2024

    First step is unburying the teeter!


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  • Threadle Distance Challenge - Take 2

    29 Apr 2024

    I tried the threadle distance challenge again with Spark to see how far away I could get.


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  • We Tackle Dave Munning's Threadle Distance Challenge

    28 Apr 2024

    Here's a great backyard training challenge courtesy of Dave Munnings and Q-Me Agility Training! He called it the threadle distance challenge.


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  • Spark's UKI Invitational Experience - Video

    03 Apr 2024

    Spark's first UKI Invitational experience and what I learned about running a young dog in a high energy environment.


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  • UKI Invitational 2024 Overview - Snap! on the Podium

    01 Apr 2024

    It was a mix of sleep deprivation, excitement, waiting, strategizing, and "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat" at the UKI Invitational. Snap!, Spark and I had some wonderful results.


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  • Spark's First Snooker Run - UKI Invitational

    29 Mar 2024

    Spark's first ever snooker run and it was at the UKI invitational!! The youngster looked great.


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  • Working Through Pre-Event Jitters

    28 Mar 2024

    With the UKI Invitational coming to my area this weekend I'm wondering why am I burning mental energy on stuff I can't really control? In my usual way, let me work through this and see if my situation is something that resonates with you.


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  • Spark's Running Dog Walk Practice - Full Length - Left Turns

    01 Mar 2024

    It's light outside after work! Worked Spark's left turns with ~30' send to a jump wrap about 30' in front of the DW. I love how he…


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  • Spark's Running Dog Walk Practice - Raised Plank

    09 Jan 2024

    Training Spark's Running Dog Walk on a slightly raised plank.


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  • NFC/FEO for Start Line Training and Snazzy Photos

    04 Jan 2024

    I took Snap! and Spark to a UKI trial at Agility at the Farm on NYE day. I decided to work Snap!'s start lines by running NFC/FEO. I "ran" Spark in two runs. Here are some nice photos too!


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  • DIY - Dog Walk Mat Attachment

    02 Jan 2024

    Time to move Spark's running dog walk mat onto the plank. I used some grommets and a bungee cord to hold it in place.


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  • (Re)Training Weaves with Guides and 2x2s

    18 Jun 2023

    In this blog post, I'll explain how to train a dog to weave using 2x2s combined with weave guides, whether they have previous experience or are new to weaving.


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  • Are You Training Enough Threadle Handler Locations?

    16 Jan 2023

    I want my threadle physical and verbal cues to be proofed enough that I don't have to be perfectly positioned for my dogs to take the obstacle as a slice or a wrap. How accurate does your dog need you to be?


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  • AKC-like JWW/Premier Novice through Masters Practice Courses

    12 Nov 2022

    Three of each AKC-like Jumpers/Premier sequences for novice/advanced and excellent/masters teams from a recent seminar of mine.


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