124 Posts Tagged With "Threadle"
Smaller Space Training Sequence
31 Jan 2025
I created a 50' x 80' (15m x 24m) jumping version of a fun and challenging Dana Pike agility training course I recently shared. Lots of good challenges with some longer lines even in a smaller space.
Dana Pike Int'l Training Sequence - Video
26 Jan 2025
A Dana Pike designed a Standard agility training course based on a Jan Egil Eide course. I've included the course diagram, a discussion of handling options, and a video of Spark and me running the sequence with some of the options.
Using a Jump Wing as a Training Prop for Back Side/Threadle Slices - Video
21 Jan 2025
I demo adding a jump wing on the take off side of a threadle slice for Spark when he was having trouble finding his take off spot after I raised his jump height up to 24."
Stacie Cwik Intl Course and Small Space Training Sequences
25 Jul 2024
Stacie Cwik setup a fun international style course in her class last week. She let me share her full size course and I extracted a small space section of the course. Both have multiple "either/or" handling options. Set it up and have fun!
Dana Pike Courses Inspired by UKI US Open 2024 Judge Ivan Amez - Video
12 Jul 2024
Dana Pike modified a course by one of this year's US Open judges Ivan Amez for class this week. There are two sequences for the same setup. They were a blast to run!
Threadle Distance Challenge - Take 2
29 Apr 2024
I tried the threadle distance challenge again with Spark to see how far away I could get.
We Tackle Dave Munning's Threadle Distance Challenge
28 Apr 2024
Here's a great backyard training challenge courtesy of Dave Munnings and Q-Me Agility Training! He called it the threadle distance challenge.
Dana Pike Masters Training Sequence - Video
24 Feb 2024
I enjoyed running this Dana Pike training course and I think you will too! It has a little bit of everything and is a great way to work on your handling skills.
Dana Pike Course - Jan 1 2024
05 Jan 2024
Fun and challenging course from Dana Pike. Here's my handling approach/notes.
Masters/Premier Workshop Sequences
26 Oct 2023
Here are two masters/premier sequences that I've used at a recent evening workshop. They had some good challenges!
AKC Premier-ish Seminar Sequences
20 Aug 2023
I thought I'd share four challenging AKC Premier-ish sequences I've used at seminars in smaller spaces. They've got "all the things".
Stacie Cwik Inspired Small Space Sequences
07 Jun 2023
I loved running Spark and Snap! on Stacie Cwik's class course last week and the opening/closing made for a perfect small space practice setup. So I mashed the opening and closing together into one sequence and came up with three additional (and challenging!) training sequences.
Are You Training Enough Threadle Handler Locations?
16 Jan 2023
I want my threadle physical and verbal cues to be proofed enough that I don't have to be perfectly positioned for my dogs to take the obstacle as a slice or a wrap. How accurate does your dog need you to be?
Dana Pike/Steve Skills Sequences
25 Nov 2022
I loved running Spark on Dana Pike's skills sequence at this week's class and she kindly let me share it. I've added two more sequences to give you three jump-only skills sequences for a long narrow space that let you work on jump wraps, 270s, back side slice/wrap, and a threadle.
AKC-like JWW/Premier Novice through Masters Practice Courses
12 Nov 2022
Three of each AKC-like Jumpers/Premier sequences for novice/advanced and excellent/masters teams from a recent seminar of mine.
Fun AKC-like JWW Novice/Advanced Practice Courses
07 Nov 2022
Five fun and challenging AKC-like Jumpers sequences for novice/intermediate teams from a recent seminar.
Four Jumps, Two Tunnels, Eight Sequences to Train All the Things - Video
18 Sep 2022
Here are eight sequences for a long narrow space using four jumps and two tunnels that let you work on a lot of different handling skills!
Three Backyard Back Side and Threadle Practice Sequences
02 Sep 2022
Snap! and I need to work on him taking the jump on a back side slice while I'm moving fast away from the jump he is taking. Also threadle wraps when I'm past the plan of the jump. So I created these three sequences and thought I'd share them.
"Jumperified" Dana Pike Advanced/Masters Sequences
15 May 2022
I've removed the contact obstacles from the Dana Pike Advanced/Masters class courses, that I posted recently, for folks who have a slightly narrower space or who don't have contacts. These sequences will test your skills!
Challenging Dana Pike Advanced/Masters Sequences
06 May 2022
Two challenging Dana Pike Advanced/Masters class courses that will test all your skills!
Practice Sequences Based on Stefanie Semkat's 2022 Polish Open Large Agility
06 Feb 2022
Stefanie Semkat's 2022 Polish Open Large Agility course had some challenging handling sequences! I created a smaller layout, with the same spacing/alignment of her three middle jumps, and came up with three sequences so we could practice her challenges at home.
Fun/Challenging Medium Sized Practice Courses
01 Jan 2022
Three fun and challenging sequences for working on weave entries/exits and lots of handling challenges! I had a great time practicing on this layout!
Small Space Jump Slice Sequences
01 Aug 2021
I was working on slice approaches to the front and back sides of jumps. I created six small space sequences so you can work on them too!
Backyard Mastery - Move It!
25 Oct 2020
My April 2020 Clean Run magazine Backyard Mastery article with sequences that fit in your backyard or garden. This month covers moving obstacles to increase the challenges of ANY SEQUENCE.
Dana Pike Weave Entry/Exit, Straight Tunnel Challenges
03 Jul 2020
Dana Pike has been designing medium and small space at home practice sequences for her students. She let me share these great weave pole entry and exit challenges!
Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2019 May
18 Apr 2020
My May 2019 Clean Run magazine Backyard Dogs courses for small spaces requires a wide range of handling skills! There are setups with and without weaves and also a slightly larger setup using 12 weave poles.
Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2019 Mar
21 Mar 2020
My March 2019 Clean Run magazine Backyard Dogs courses for small spaces require a wide range of handling skill and have some of my most challenging sequences yet! Also includes a setup using 12 weave poles.
Landing Side, Non-Obvious, Off-Flow Obstacle Approaches
01 Mar 2020
I explain why trainers use these terms for when they need to direct their dogs to take the side or end of an obstacle that is not directly in their path. There are more than just "Threadle" and "Back Side" elements.
Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2019 Jan
26 Feb 2020
This is an expanded version of my Backyard Dogs article originally published in the January 2019 issue of CleanRun. These sequences contain a full range of handling challenges including some interesting tunnel to weave and weave to tunnel entrances.
Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2018 Nov
20 Dec 2019
This is an expanded version of my Backyard Dogs article originally published in the November 2018 issue of CleanRun
Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2018 Sep
22 Nov 2019
This is an expanded version of my Backyard Dogs article originally published in the September 2018 issue of Clean Run magazine.
Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2018 July
07 Mar 2019
This is an expanded version of my Backyard Dogs article originally published in the July 2018 issue of CleanRun . For this month's Backyard…
Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2018 May
30 Dec 2018
This is an expanded version of my Backyard Dogs article originally published in the May 2018 issue of CleanRun . For this month's Backyard…
Backyard Dogs Practice Sequences - 2018 March
19 Sep 2018
This is an expanded version of my Backyard Dogs article originally published in the March 2018 issue of CleanRun . For my first Backyard…
2017 Feb Wisconsin Agility Cup: Courses and Video
23 Feb 2017
This past weekend Flyer , Snap ! and I got up at "o-dark-thirty" in the morning to drive the two and a half hours to Canine Sports Zone…
NDAL 2016 March 50x50 Int'l Course Analysis/Video
06 Mar 2016
Here's the layout and sequence for my March 2016 National Dog Agility League 50 x 50 "International-style" course - this time I've…
Starters/Advanced/Masters Challenge Small Space Courses
21 Feb 2016
Here are eight practice courses based on the layout for my March 2016 National Dog Agility League 50 x 50 "International-style" course. I…
Moving Towards Mastery: 14 Layouts to Challenge Your Handling
16 Feb 2016
As I mentioned in my previous article: "Move Obstacles to Challenge Your Handling" , you can take any sequence and move the jumps (along…
Moving Towards Mastery: Move Obstacles to Challenge Your Handling
28 Jan 2016
In this second in a series of articles I'll show you another way to improve the quality of your training; even in a small space with a few…
Moving Towards Mastery: Change Paths to Challenge Your Handling
13 Dec 2015
I want to change how you train and help you improve the quality of your training; even in a small space with a few obstacles. Most training…
Private Lessons Course/Sequence with Video
06 Apr 2015
When I give private lessons during a Seminar weekend I like to set up a course with elements that let me work common challenges…
Some Fun Challenges to Practice
21 Jan 2015
Here's a full size and small space version of last night's class course containing: Serpentines , Back Sides , Jump Wraps and…
Scott Lovelis - Masters Challenge Standard/Jumpers
13 Nov 2014
Scott Lovelis had some "spot on" Masters Challenge courses at the recent Contact Sports Agility trial here in Illinois. The courses had…
Big, Fast, Fun Masters Course
15 Oct 2014
Until I arrived to set up a course last night I forgotten that I would have access to the whole training space for my course. With all the…
The Connection Between Threadles and Back Sides
09 Sep 2014
Near the end of a recent International Handling In Action seminar I threw together a quick exercise to work on Threadles and…
Serpentines, Threadles, and Back Sides
13 Aug 2014
In last night's course I put together Serpentines , Threadles , and optional Back Sides in this fast, flowing class course. The Advanced…
Medium Space Courses: Serps, Threadles, and Back Sides
15 Jul 2014
In last night's course I had Serpentines , Threadles , and Back Sides in quick succession and I created a "medium space" non-contact…
Small Space Courses for a Fun Fourth!
04 Jul 2014
For the Fourth of July I took a small section from one of my class course working on tunnel/A Frame discriminations and came up with three…
Frank Holik Masters Challenges Jumpers - Video
02 Jun 2014
Frank was kind enough to let me share his course - thanks Frank! The course was set fairly close to the diagram. If you look at the video…
Rafael Quiñones "Minions" Practice Course - Video
25 May 2014
Rafael Quiñones was one of the judges at the USDAA North Central Regionals this year and prior to the trial he posted a fun exercise…
Oops I Did It Again... and Almost Felt Bad
30 Apr 2014
I guess I was subconsciously inspired by a challenging international practice course I liked when I came up with these courses for my…
"Add One Obstacle" Dog Agility Course Game
22 Nov 2013
I think I have Stuart Mah to thank for this fun dog agility course visualization/memorization/handling game. In what I'm calling "Add One…
More Gabi Steppan Inspired Backyard Sequences - Video
18 Aug 2013
I really enjoyed playing around with my Gabi Steppan Inspired Course and left it set up in my yard all week. I came up with some more…
What's International? International Two Jump Drills
06 Mar 2013
You don't need a lot of equipment to train yourself and your dog to master the "International" handling challenges that are coming to USDAA…
All In One Courses - Big & Small Spaces
11 Feb 2013
Here's my "action packed" class course from last week at FYK9 from which I also created a small space sequence. These courses contain a…
Seventy Two Backyard Courses!
05 Dec 2012
For today's Dog Agility Bloggers' event on the subject of Backyard Training I put together seventy two training sequences that should…
Challenging Full Size Course
03 Dec 2012
I came up with this interesting course with a couple challenging sections for class this past week. There are Threadles , Back Sides…
Full Size and Small Space Sequences
20 Oct 2012
I came up with a fun and challenging course for class this past week and broke out a couple small space sequences from it. You can work on…
Fun Small Space Courses With Handling Options - Annotated Video
08 Jul 2012
I extracted this smaller sequence from my class course last night at For Your K-9 . This sequence contains a 270 , Jump Wraps , a…
DcH Aalborg - Kurt Jensen Jumpers - Video
17 May 2012
Meeker and I traveled to Aalborg, Denmark to run a Jumpers course with an interesting layout. Well maybe we didn't actually go to…
Four Small Space International Exercises
15 Apr 2012
I've created four small space exercises based on the opening jump layout of my International Flair! Seminar Course from a couple weekends…
Small Spaces: Run Both Sides
24 Feb 2012
I've created an exercise from my class course at For Your K9 for working on a bunch of skills: 270s , Threadles , and Jump Wraps . Of…
Small Spaces: Weave Entries & Fun Handling
08 Dec 2011
Thought I'd pull out a fun sequence from my class course at For Your K-9 and turn it into a mini course for smaller spaces. These three…
Advanced Class: Be Aggressive! - 18-Nov-2011
18 Nov 2011
This course is all about running the course with conviction, keeping connected with your dog and cuing tight jump wraps using a Shoulder…
"International" Threadle Sequence - With Video
12 Sep 2011
I received an email from an Italian agility enthusiast asking how I would handle a training exercise he had found. It was an interesting…
Class Course: Wrap Your Head Around This
03 Aug 2011
My course from last night at For Your K-9 is on the more technical side featuring Serpentines , Threadles and a generous helping of…
Advanced Class Course: Easy Peasy Fast and Breezy!
28 Jul 2011
This course was a fun one and kept the dog and handler moving. It let teams work on On and Off Side Weave Entries , Jump Wraps , and…
Advanced Class: Speedy Serpy Solution? - With Video
10 Jul 2011
My intention in this week's class course at For Your K9 was to open things up a little and get the teams moving with good challenges…
Advanced Class: Run This Course, Really! - 15-Jun-2011
21 Jun 2011
The week I set up the Northeastern regional IHC jumpers course in my backyard I decided to base my class course on the middle of the IHC…
Advanced Class: Run This Course, Really! - 15-Jun-2011
21 Jun 2011
The week I set up the Northeastern regional IHC jumpers course in my backyard I decided to base my class course on the middle of the IHC…
Advanced Class: Balancing Cues and Choosing Sides - 25-May-2011
25 May 2011
Here's the course from my classes last week at For Your Canine where you can work on 270s , Jump Wraps , and end on a Threadle or a…
Skill Based & DIY Double Box, Star Box and Box Training Sequences
16 May 2011
Over the weekend I added a great new feature for creating training sequences to Agility Courses.com . You could always choose the skills…
Advanced Class: Smoother Than It Looks! - 06-Apr-2011
16 Apr 2011
Better late than never! Here's a couple challenging sequences containing a Pin Wheel , a Threadle , some Jump Wraps and some interesting…
Advanced Class: I Like This One - 30-Mar-2011
31 Mar 2011
Here's a challenging sequence containing a Pin Wheel , a Threadle , a bunch of Jump Wraps and some interesting handling options from my…
Advanced Class: Just a Dash of Evil - 16-Mar-2011
18 Mar 2011
Here's a course setup with two different sequences containing Jump Wraps , Pull Throughs , Threadles , a Pin Wheel , and general…
Advanced Class: Meat and Potatoes - 09-Mar-2011
10 Mar 2011
Here's a course setup with two different sequences containing 270s , Jump Wraps , Serpentines , a Threadles , and general handling from…
Advanced/Intermediate Classes: A Mixed Bag - 03-Mar-2011
03 Mar 2011
Here's a course setup with two different sequences containing 270s , Jump Wraps , Pull Throughs , Threadles , a Pin Wheel , and general…
Advanced Class: No Frills Course - 23-Feb-2011
24 Feb 2011
Here's a course setup with two variations on a sequence containing Jump Wraps , Pull Throughs , Threadles , a Pin Wheel , a Back Side…
Advanced Class: Not Evil Courses - 16-Feb-2011
21 Feb 2011
Here's a course setup with two sequences containing Jump Wraps , Pull Throughs , Threadles , a Pin Wheel , and general handling from my…
Advanced Class: Kinda Evil Courses - 09-Feb-2011
09 Feb 2011
Here's a course setup with two sequences containing 270 s, Jump Wraps , Pull Throughs , Threadles , Pin Wheel , and general handling…
Dana Pike - Awesome Course with Video
17 Jan 2011
I've said it before, but you have to set up this Dana Pike course. If you don't have room for the whole thing at least set up 5-10, that's…
Fun Course - Sorry That Page Doesn't Exist
15 Jan 2011
Here's a course where probably only web developers and other technology nerds into agility will see the joke. If you want to try running it…
Dana Pike - Another Class Course w/Video
01 Jan 2011
In the diagram below there are two ending options, Dana had me run the second closing in the second run in the video. My "take away lesson…
Octagon Serpentine/Threadle Handling Drills
30 Dec 2010
We had a few minutes at the end of class and I converted part of a Double Box in the middle of a course into another classic jump layout…
Advanced Class: - 22-Dec-2010
17 Dec 2010
Here's a course with little of everything from this week's classes at For Your Canine . Here are some quick handling notes: Flipped the…
Advanced Class: This and That - 15-Dec-2010
17 Dec 2010
Here's a course with little of everything from this week's classes at For Your Canine . Here are some quick handling notes: Flipped the…
Dana Pike - Fun to Run Course
07 Dec 2010
Run this course and let me know how it went for you. Meeker and I had a blast, thanks Dana!
Advanced Class: Serpentines and Threadles - 24-Nov-2010
05 Dec 2010
Here's a course for working on Serpentines , Jump Wraps and a Threadles from this week's classes at For Your Canine . A lot of…
Advanced Class: Just Ugly! - 17-Nov-2010
17 Nov 2010
Here's a challenging, dare I say ugly, sequence for working on Serpentines , Jump Wraps and a Threadles from this week's classes at…
Advanced Class: Pin Wheel, Wraps, Serpentine and a Threadle - 11-Nov-2010
15 Nov 2010
Here are a couple fun, fast, and challenging sequences for working on Pin Wheels , Serpentines , Jump Wraps and a Threadles from this…
Double Box Sequence Generator
08 Nov 2010
The seven jump Double Box offers handlers and dogs longer training sequences than the Box Layout and adds the ability to train 18…
Star Box Sequence Generator
02 Nov 2010
The six jump Star Box offers handlers and dogs even more training opportunities than the venerable Box Layout . To help other agility…
New Jump Box Sequence Generator
26 Oct 2010
One reason I created AgilityCourses was to have a place to experiment with software I've had in mind for generating practice courses and…
Jumpers with Weaves, Serpentines, Wraps and a Threadle - 13-Oct-2010
14 Oct 2010
Here are a couple sequences for working on Serpentines , Jump Wraps a Threadles and general handling I threw together for my classes at…
Jump Wraps, Threadles and More - 6-Oct-2010
06 Oct 2010
Here are a couple interesting sequences for working on Jump Wraps , Threadles and general handling I threw together for my classes at…
Advanced Class Mini Course
10 Jun 2010
I came up with an interesting class course this week at For Your Canine containing On and Off Side Weave Entries , Jump Wraps , a 27…
Backyard Course Based on Masters Pairs Jumping Sequence - Annotated Video
03 Jun 2010
I enjoyed a recent Carol Voelkner USDAA Masters Pairs Course, it had a surprisingly tricky jumping sequence for the second dog, which I…
Mini Jumpers Course
23 Mar 2010
Here's a fun jumpers mini course that I set up for my students last week. It works handling at speed, Jump Wraps , a 270 , independent…
RACE Agility UKI Fun Match or UKI is A-OK
19 Feb 2010
This past weekend Meeker and I attended our first UK Agility International fun match and had a wonderful time. I recently blogged…
Skills for Pin Wheels
18 Jan 2010
In a recent class course I had students working on three jump Pin Wheels and 270s by using just two of the jumps in the Pin Wheel. That got…
Susan Garrett $5 Certainty Challenges
07 Jan 2010
Two weeks ago Susan Garrett posted a $5 Certainty Challenge , where she challenges handlers to get to the crux of their dog's stress…
Four Backyard Sequences with Video - Clean Run Sourcebook
20 Dec 2009
Occasionally Anne Riba uses variations on courses from the Clean Run Course Sourcebook and they have been really interesting to handle…
Class Course - 2-Dec-2009
06 Dec 2009
Here's a fun course I threw together for last week's class at For Your Canine , it works on and off side weave entrances , tunnel A Frame…
Class Course - 11-Nov-2009
12 Nov 2009
Here's a technical-ish class course I invented last night at For Your Canine that works Threadles , Jump Wraps and weave entries. Here…
Four Backyard Sequences - Serpentines, Threadles and 180s
30 Oct 2009
A couple weeks ago Meeker and I were at to For Your Canine for a CPE trial and the Jumpers course had a section that I thought would…
Backyard Practice Course/Video - Jumps and Weaves
13 Sep 2009
Earlier this week I threw together a Jumpers With Weaves backyard sized layout with five sequences to play with and thought some folks might…
Intermediate Class - 2009-Jun-17
21 Jun 2009
It has been a while since I posted any of my class courses, I usually just dream up a sequence based on the equipment locations when I walk…
Post Run Note Taking
14 Feb 2009
At a recent trial I was talking with agility pal and local trainer Ashlee Trotter after her run and was intrigued by her after run note…
Five Practice Sequences
23 Nov 2008
I almost forgot about this practice course I setup and videotaped back on a warm, sunny day in early October. This course is a combination…
Six Practice Sequences With Video
16 Oct 2008
It has been ages since I've setup any courses in my backyard, so I decided to "riff" on this section of a Dana Pike course. I video…
Dana Pike Advanced Class Sequence - Weave Entries
06 Mar 2008
Don't pay strict attention to the dimensions in the diagram, they are rough estimates from my memory. Here's how you should set it up. The…
Mary Ellen Barry on Threadle Handling
08 Sep 2007
What I like about this article is that Mary Ellen doesn't just say "I handle the threadle this way"; she explains why her handling system…
Practice Course - Serpentines, Threadles, Weave Entries and Contacts
03 Apr 2007
For the first backyard course of the year I wanted to setup a course that I could run as a whole and that I could leave set up for a while…
Clean Run Search, Licensing, Advertising, and Tweaks
07 Feb 2007
I've been doing some housekeeping on the site after completing my "mini-series" on Threadles . So here are the web site updates:
Traditional Threadle Handling
12 Jan 2007
There are three "traditional" methods for handling Threadles . Two of which have the handler perform crosses and the third uses only…
Practice Standard Course Built Around A Jump Chute
30 Nov 2006
Now that I finally have all my contact equipment and Meeker is confident running over all of it at full height I decided to set up some…
Fall Maintenance Camp: Barry, Carter, Moureaux, Pinder, and Sanders
10 Nov 2006
Wow! Phew! That's how I felt after attending a five day camp at Dana Pike's facility in Wilmington, IL. I was happy and exhausted by the…
Dearlove Nested Class Course - Oct 12 and Oct 19 2006
11 Oct 2006
These are my final Dearlove Agility class courses of the season. I hope you've enjoyed running them as much as I have. I greatly enjoyed…
Let's Make a Deal!
29 Sep 2006
I was fooling around with a tunnel and three jumps in the backyard with Meeker and came up with this obvious setup that I found was useful…
Dearlove Nested Class Course - Sep 28 and Oct 5 2006
26 Sep 2006
This week's sequences have a little of everything in them: There are two Intermediate team sequences. The first opens with a three jump Pin…
The Jump Box in Course Design
14 Dec 2005
The Jump Box is a very versatile course element for practice and competition courses. One reason is that its jumps can be used for a…
Dearlove Nested Class Course - Jul 11 & 18 2005
10 Jul 2005
This course works Beginners on Pin Wheels in both directions and/or Rear Crosses into the tunnel (depending on their readiness…
Serpentine Sequence
20 Apr 2005
Serpentine describes the dog's path through three or more obstacles when the dog performs obstacles in the sequence in opposite directions…
Dearlove Advanced Course - Front vs. Rear Crosses
04 Oct 2004
I designed this practice course so Dearlove 's advanced handlers could work on trying some different handling options. Here are my thoughts…